Three Tartan Dancers, more curves
These are my sample lesson Tartan Dancers - they have more curves than the simple ones for infants.

Drawing out the tartan paper
Using oil pastels, or coloured pencils, draw out lines to make your page of tartan for your collage.

Starting to cut long strips of tartan paper, and then into chunks to make the head, neck, body...

Remember to turn the paper, not you and the scissors, otherwise you'll get yourself into a fankle!

Cut the waist on the kilt narrower, so it fits better onto the body.

Cut wee angles into the kilt, to make the pleats.

Cut some long, thinner strips of tartan paper, for the legs and the arms.
The Highland Dancer is Samantha Coulter from the Kay Alexander School of Dancing.
The Highland Dancer is Samantha Coulter from the Kay Alexander School of Dancing.

Think about how the arms are to be angled, before you glue them on.

Look carefully at the dancer's hands - what position she has placed them. See if you can carefully make your dancer's hands into the same positions.

Use the wee scraps of tartan paper you have left, for the dancer's hair, and then they're finished! Well done!